Autumn Day GDR MApyro 25th October 2024

The Autumn Day will be held on Friday 25 October

9.30am to 5.30pm in Dijon

at the Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin

(Le Village by CA,

Download the Flyer here

Download the registration form here


Download the template for abstract submission here

Practical information may be found here

When: Friday, the 25th October 2024
all day, started at 9:30 am, end at 5:30 pm)Invited lectures and Short Oral Communications
Where: at the Cité internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin, Dijon, France
– Easy access from Dijon train station by walk or by tram (less than 5 min),
– 1 h 40 min from Paris by direct TGV (many daily connections)